I design and lead workshops to improve media coverage of sensitive human rights topics including sexual and gender diversity, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and religion. I’ve trained more than 1,000 media professionals and human rights defenders from more than 50 countries at dozens of workshops around the world for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Taboom Media, Global Investigative Journalism Network, Hivos, Global Fund, Arcus Foundation, National Endowment for Democracy, Other Foundation, Religion News Service, INERELA+, GIN-SSOGIE, All Out, and local NGOs across Africa. If you need an hour-long webinar or week-long workshop, get in touch.
Journalist Development
I train journalists and editors using my handbooks along with customized resources and modules. After each workshop, I mentor and edit trainees’ stories to ensure quality control. Workshop sessions often address: ethical human rights reporting principles; language and terminology; myths and stereotypes; media freedom challenges and opportunities; story ideas, angles, and sources; safety and security; and news value and public interest. Trainees also analyze existing media coverage and interview local community leaders and guest speakers.

Media Advocacy
I train human rights defenders using my handbooks and context-specific resources to advance their causes. Workshop sessions often address: media advocacy and campaign design; audience identification; messaging and framing; media safety; storytelling; social media; traditional news media; press interviews; press releases and op-eds; community outreach and events; crisis communications; media monitoring; and testing and evaluating campaigns. These workshops can be regional, thematic, or customized to meet your organization’s specific needs.